Privacy Policy & Terms of Usage

Gaddi Wallah Grouprespects your privacy and recognizes the need to protect the personally identifiable information (any information by which you can be identified, such as name, address, and telephone number) you share with us. We would like to assure you that we follow appropriate standards when it comes to protecting your privacy on our websites. In general, you can visit Gaddi Wallah Groupwebsite without telling us who you are or revealing any personal information about yourself. We track the Internet address of the domains from which people visit us and analyze this data for trends and statistics, but the individual user remains anonymous.

Some of our web pages use "cookies" so that we can better serve you with customized information when you return to our site. Cookies are identifiers which web sites send to the browser on your computer to facilitate your next visit to our site. You can set your browser to notify you when you are sent a cookie, giving you the option to decide whether or not to accept it. The information we collect and analyze is used to improve our service to you.

For further information on the Privacy policy Gaddi Wallah Group, you can contact us at our email with a concerned subject of ?Company Privacy Policy?. Gaddi Wallah GroupLtd will make best effort to get back to all your queries within 5 business days of acknowledgement.



1.1 Gaddi Wallah Group (the Website), a travel based company powered by internet marketing operated and managed by Gaddi Wallah Groupregistered with the Indian laws has its operational base at Delhi.

1.2 The company Web site of Gaddi Wallah Group endeavours to provide information related to travel, itineraries, tour packages, prices of different travel packages, hotel information, bookings, airline reservation, car hiring etc.

1.3 This Agreement defines all the specific terms and conditions which Gaddi Wallah Groupwill provide to the clients via its web site. Along with this Agreement, the client must also read and accept all terms and conditions as per TOS, which are also subject to update from time to time by Gaddi Wallah GroupThese TOS are an integral part of this Agreement but in time of any major conflict surrounding TOS as well as this Agreement all the terms and conditions of this Agreement will be paramount.

1.4 Gaddi Wallah Group Website provides transaction to the client on pre consideration of acceptation of all the mentioned policy, terms, conditions, and notices without any change, alteration and modifications. If the client has some disagreement with the mentioned terms and policy then the client should not transact on our website.

1.5 In addition, to the existing terms the service provider from time to time may attach certain guidelines and rules about the services offered (which include services such as holiday packages, hotel bookings, airlines etc.). The client is privileged to ensure all the terms mentioned by the service provider to avail of the services. If a conflict take place between the Agreement (TOS) and terms specified by the service provider the latter guidelines will be effective.

1.6 Gaddi Wallah, on its own will has the right to reject any order placed by the client without mentioning the reason to opt thereof. Gaddi Wallah Groupwill provide services with a condition to receive the real amount of the service from the client.


1.7 Gaddi Wallah Group has the exclusive right to update the terms, and conditions of offering services. To be updated about the terms and conditions, the client must review the terms and conditions from time to time.

1.8 The client thus expresses his readiness to the acceptance of the terms and conditions after fully understanding the privacy policy of Gaddi Wallah Group in respect of the website, as provided in Annex 2. The client furthermore confirms that the terms and policies are acceptable to him/her about the privacy policy.

With specific reference to booking/e-commerce transactions, Gaddi Wallah Groupcollects the following personal sensitive information from you while transacting through Gaddi Wallah:

  • Name and Sex
  • Phone Number
  • Address
  • Email Address
  • Date of birth

Gaddi Wallah Groupdoes not sell or trade upon any of the above foregoing information without the consent of the user or customer. The foregoing information collected from the users/customers/travellers is put to the following use:

  • Customer name, address, phone number, traveller's name and age are shared with applicable service providers like the airlines, hotels, etc., for the purpose of reservation and booking the services for the customer/traveller.
  • Information like Credit Card Details and Net Banking Details are usually collected directly by the payment gateways and banks and not by Gaddi Wallah, but if ever stored or retained by us, remain internal and is never shared, except that they may be shared with third party private/government security agencies to screen for fraudulent activities. These details are also shared with certain third parties only for the purpose of processing 'Cash Back & Discounts' and Charge Backs, if applicable.
  • Information like Mobile no, e-mail address and postal address may be used for promotional purposes, unless the customer/user "opts-out" of such use. If you choose not to share this information, you can still visit the Gaddi Wallah Groupwebsite, but you may be unable to access certain options, offers and services.

Gaddi Wallah Grouptakes appropriate steps to protect the information you share with us. We have implemented technology and security features and strict policy guidelines to safeguard the privacy of your personally identifiable information from unauthorized access and improper use or disclosure. Please contact us on to obtain names and addresses of the specific entites that shall have access to your personal information in a given transaction.

Gaddi Wallah Groupwill continue to enhance its security procedures as new technology becomes available, and ensures that its serurity procedures are compliant with current applicable regulations.

If our privacy policy changes in the future, it will be posted here and a new effective date will be shown. You should access our privacy policy regularly to ensure you understand our current policies.


We automatically log generic information about your computer connection to the Internet, which we call "session data", that is anonymous and not linked to any Personal Information. Session data consists of things such as IP address, operating system and type of browser software being used and the activities conducted by the user while on the Website. An IP address is a number that lets computers attached to the internet, such as our web servers, know where to send data back to the user, such as the pages of the Website the user wishes to view. We collect session data because it helps us analyse such things as what items visitors are likely to click on most, the way visitors are clicking through the Website, how many visitors are surfing to various pages on the Website, how long visitors to the Website are staying and how often they are visiting. It also helps us diagnose problems with our servers and lets us better administer our systems. Although such information does not identify any visitor personally, it is possible to determine from an IP address a visitor


Website contains links to other websites. Please note that when you click on one of these links, you are entering another website for which has no responsibility. We encourage you to read the privacy statements of all such sites as their policies may be materially different from this Privacy Policy. Of course, you are solely responsible for maintaining the secrecy of your passwords, and your Website membership account information. Please be very careful, responsible, and alert with this information, especially whenever you online.

In addition to the circumstances described above, may disclose the Website member information if required to do so by law, court order, as requested by other government or law enforcement authority, or in the good faith belief that disclosure is otherwise necessary or advisable including, without limitation, to protect the rights or properties of or any or all of its affiliates, associates, employees, directors or officers or when we have reason to believe that disclosing the information is necessary to identify, contact or bring legal action against someone who may be causing interference with our rights or properties, whether intentionally or otherwise, or when anyone else could be harmed by such activities. In addition, needless to mention that, if or substantially all of its assets are acquired, our customer information will most likely also be transferred in connection with such acquisition You may always submit concerns regarding our Privacy Statement or our privacy practices via email to Please reference the privacy policy in your subject line. will attempt to respond to all reasonable concerns or inquiries as soon as possible.

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